Thursday, April 15, 2021
Live the Life of Your Dreams
How to deal with Toxic People
How to deal with toxic people
There are many reasons why people are toxic and negative. It may stem from a bad childhood or upbringing. They might not have felt love or caring in their home when they were growing up. It might be an enduring pattern of cynicism and negativity that has become engrained in their mind. It might also be a way of seeking attention. When someone always has to be "the worst" that is a sign that they are focused on their ego just the same as someone who always needs to be the best. They crave attention even if it is negative. They don't trust anyone and see the world as a bad evil place. Others are narcissists and fake love bomb you and shower you with compliments at first, only to later degrade you and have you walking on eggshells.
If you're anything like me, you are empathetic and like to help others. You somehow think you can fix or save negative people. It's time to realize that if they don't want to be helped you can't help them! They will only drag you down and bring you into their negative world. You are a bright shining star. You bring your sunshine to those who are connected to you and warm them with your smile.
The best way to deal with toxic people and narcissists is to cut them off completely if you can. If they are family members and you don't want to cut them off entirely then you need to set clear and firm boundaries. You will not tolerate any backbiting, negative talk or name calling. They need to elevate their behavior to be around you!
Keep doing what you do and don't let others get you down. Eventually your positive energy will repel those who have nothing to say but put down others and complain about the state of the world. Always look up and surround yourself with those people who have ideas and want to contribute positively to the world. If you see those qualities in a person who is negative but is trying, encourage them to take a path down the right road to a better, happier life!